Some site owners pay lots of attention to their Google Analytics account, and some have a marketing person to take care of it for them. No matter where you fall on that spectrum, you need to pay attention to what’s going on with Google Analytics over the next few months and make sure your site […]
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If you ask ten SEOs to give you a quick list of what every site needs to succeed, they will all mention content creation strategy, but what if you’ve been executing your content strategy every month and it’s not working? Today we’ll look at some factors to look at as you decide what comes next. […]
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If you’re running a business or organization with a digital presence you’re hopefully aware of how SEO fits into your strategy and can help you succeed. A successful website often gets 75% or more of it’s traffic from search engines, so SEO matters. However, you might not be paying attention to your competitors in the […]
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