To oversimplify a bit, there are two attitudes when it comes to running PPC ads: folks who want to get the most out of effective traffic streams like AdWords and adCenter, and those who ask the question, “PPC ads…does anyone click those things?”. Well, we can tell the doubters that, yes, 1 – 5% of […]
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In conversation this week, the following topic arose: companies boosting their bad side in their online marketing. This begs the question: When is it good to be bad? Avoiding the philosophical undertones, we’ll take this as today’s question for our Colorado internet marketing team. We’ve all seen the big names in selling sin: ‘What Happens […]
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As the weeks roll by and patterns emerge from Google’s Hummingbird update, some clients are seeing little or no effect and some are seeing a drop in organic rankings. As both internal online marketing teams and external SEOs know, it’s a good idea to look for as many patterns and correlations as you can before taking […]
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