Google has been releasing some big changes this year like the new mobile index, and there have been more and more algorithm updates which affect organic rankings. On average, there are 2.5 times as many updates in 2016 as there were in 2015. Before anyone throws their hands in the air and gives up, let’s […]
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The digital marketing community talks about Google algorithm updates as if everyone understands the importance and as if it they affect everyone. But let’s step back for a moment and put ourselves in the shoes of our clients. Do they care about Penguin 4.0? Only if it affects their bottom line. Here are a few […]
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There used to be a time when just the act of creating a well optimized presence on the web was enough to get you ranked on Google (or more likely Yahoo back then). But times have changed and if your website isn’t constantly creating relevant content you’re going to fall behind, right? That’s partially correct, […]
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