Cheaper is Always Better, Right? Paying the rent is a box you have to check each month. Paying your employees is a box you have to check each month. Paying for SEO without any knowing what you’re paying for isn’t. Some vendors would have you believe SEO is a box to check, not a growth […]
Visibility The goal of most SEO projects is to get your brand in front of the right users. Unlike your Google rankings, it can be a little tricky to quantify how and where your app is ranking. A careful evaluation of your App Store and Google Play rankings is a great place to start if […]
We received a funny request this morning that seemed like a good jumping off point for a conversation about reputation management. The request was for bids for an SEO consulting project. The request came from an IT consultant with plenty of acronyms in his job title…seems like he is an accomplished professional in his field. […]