What does it mean to be a cooperative business? Co-ops and cooperative business practices are concepts that have been around for centuries, but with the emergence of Web 2.0, sharing, transparency and collaboration are back en vogue.
Like our good friends at Co-op Sounds in California, Eastern Star Marketing is making sure this (perhaps Platonic ideal) isn’t just lip service, or a feature of our social media strategy. Here are three ways we define cooperative business practices and how we bring that philosophy to our online marketing clients.
Our Clients Build Their Own Team
Let’s face it: client pricing models include the overhead on all the employees regardless of whether or not a client is using every service. Becoming a client of Eastern Star Marketing means choosing your services and staff on a truly a la carte model. If you don’t need web development or web design…it’s not part of your engagement and it’s not on the invoice.
Equal Partners In Online Marketing Strategy
We’re all about transparency. Every piece of research, every deliverable and any accounts created on behalf of our clients are theirs to view and influence at any point. We’re not interested in hiding behind jargon or holding our strategy close to the vest. We’re here to bring expert attention to our clients’ SEM and SEO campaigns, but at the end of the day the results and any materials created belong to our clients.
Work with Professionals
The team at Eastern Star Marketing is a veteran squad. We don’t have junior employees taking on smaller projects and with the skills we bring to the table, we can help our clients accomplish anything from basic on-site search optimization to multimillion dollar pay per click management. We have the experience to handle both and part of our success as an online marketing shop is to craft the right strategy for each client, custom to their goals. We’re proud to bring a customized solution to each project and meet our goals on time and on budget.
If you’re curious what the team at Eastern Star Marketing can do for your next SEO or SEM project, get in touch and we’ll be happy to create a custom solution for your needs.