The phrasing changes, but a question we in the Colorado SEM business hear all the time is, “Should we add a channel?”. What our advertisers are asking us is: Should we expand our PPC campaigns to Bing? Should we start running Facebook ads? Should we think about a Display campaign? Each decision you and your […]
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This week we thought we’d address a question we’ve been asked both directly and indirectly over the years, and that is: If my business is in Colorado, should I hire a Colorado SEM company? It’s a perfectly logical question and we’ll do our best to tease out the pros and cons. In a perfect world, […]
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In conversation this week, the following topic arose: companies boosting their bad side in their online marketing. This begs the question: When is it good to be bad? Avoiding the philosophical undertones, we’ll take this as today’s question for our Colorado internet marketing team. We’ve all seen the big names in selling sin: ‘What Happens […]
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