If you’ve been in the marketing world for a few years you may have the impression that display advertising requires a big budget and a high threshold for pain. Historically you’re correct, but with better data and better advertising technology the buy-in for display campaigns is coming down. Today we’re going to look at a […]
Veterinary Websites are Unique, Right? It’s an easy sales pitch: ‘We build websites for veterinarians, so we’re the best option’. But is it true? Yes and no. Sure, they may have more practice pulling in your scheduling software for example. They’re familiar with eVet, ezyVet and IDEXX, but what percentage of your website involves scheduling? […]
Cheaper is Always Better, Right? Paying the rent is a box you have to check each month. Paying your employees is a box you have to check each month. Paying for SEO without any knowing what you’re paying for isn’t. Some vendors would have you believe SEO is a box to check, not a growth […]